New addition to the family
09/22/2003 @ 10:54 a.m.

Well, naturally I couldn't stand it and spent all morning Friday driving from pet store to pet store, looking for a girl version of Foley. I really wanted to get another long-haired one, but unfortunately the only ones I could find were boys and also living in poor conditions...which on one hand made me want to take them all home and care for them like they should be, but then again I don't know if I could handle another one dying on me so soon...But anyway, I ended up with another rough coated pig like Spike, she's a baby and she's super cute and still nameless...

This weekend also was pretty good, I spent all day Saturday at my parent's mostly playing with Gus and then had dinner at Memaw's. Mmmm, chicken dumplings.

Other than that I hung out at Joey's with those guys. We've been going bowling and stuff, which is lots of fun. I really feel more comfortable around them now, they told me I can move in with them and all this apparently they really do like me. I still don't know about the moving thing though, Jenny and I are still kinda talking about it but we haven't seriously sat down and discussed it yet. And as for finding a place to live in November, I guess I'll crash at Joey's or Stephanie's new place. We'll see though, things may change before then.

Still nothing on the job front. It's really frustrating. Unless you're freaking doubly qualified for the job and willing to take half the pay, they don't even give you a chance. It sucks ass. But I sent off my application for some kind of child services thing with Gaston County, Jennifer's friend Beth works there so hopefully she can have some pull.

Well I guess that's all for now. I'm going to go home awhile and do laundry, then I think I'm going to go by Memaw Cox's to see how she's doing.

"Fuck it dude, let's go bowling".

--the Big Lebowski

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