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07/02/2006 - Bonnaroo 2006!
05/14/2006 - Hammering in my head
04/29/2006 - Almost May
03/12/2006 - Ides of March Eve
02/12/2006 - Seasons roll on by...
02/05/2006 - Headache
12/29/2005 - 2006: Live in the NOW!
12/22/2005 - Empire of Dirt
12/10/2005 - Company Christmas Drunkeness
11/28/2005 - Pretty tough to think about...
11/21/2005 - 7 Years...bad luck?
11/13/2005 - Walls
11/07/2005 - Can I change your mind?
11/02/2005 - Too many trees
10/23/2005 - Sale of the Sentury
10/17/2005 - Never goin' back again
10/16/2005 - I'm bound to pack it up...
10/08/2005 - New house, old pain
09/25/2005 - Fall is here, hear the yell...
09/03/2005 - Hope you got your things together...
08/21/2005 - Icing on the shit cake
08/17/2005 - Millions of colors reflected in daylight...
08/01/2005 - See it swimming...
07/19/2005 - Where have I been?
07/11/2005 - Moving...
07/03/2005 - That's where I want to be
06/23/2005 - I didn't feel so bad til the sun went down...
06/18/2005 - Standing in the Red Rain in ATL...
06/09/2005 - Rabbits on the Run
05/30/2005 - Three-day weekend, woohoo
05/23/2005 - String
05/19/2005 - Distance
05/08/2005 - I'm looking through you
05/04/2005 - Song for the Dumped...or not
04/24/2005 - Last weekend on the wagon
04/18/2005 - Unleashing my Inner Bitch
04/09/2005 - Rattled
03/31/2005 - Twenty four and there's so much more...
03/07/2005 - Anger is a Gift
02/23/2005 - "Too strange to live..." R.I.P. Hunter S. Thompson
02/20/2005 - Trouble with you is the trouble with me...
02/07/2005 - Strange magic...
01/16/2005 - Nice day for a white wedding
01/09/2005 - Someday I'll treat you real fine
12/30/2004 - The girl does what she wants to do...
12/27/2004 - Happy Post-Christmas
12/22/2004 - Fakin' It
12/21/2004 - I caught you a delicious bass
12/13/2004 - Bite the Big Apple
12/05/2004 - Lesson learned
12/03/2004 - Five more days!!
11/28/2004 - Thanksgiving vacation
11/21/2004 - Blah...
11/11/2004 - It all just happens again, way down the line...
10/31/2004 - Halloween!
10/30/2004 - Not the boss of me
10/26/2004 - Crash
10/05/2004 - *sigh*
09/28/2004 - Gouge away
09/21/2004 - Watch me unravel...
09/19/2004 - Sunday night blues
09/13/2004 - Countdown to the beach!!!!
09/05/2004 - Well you can celebrate anything you want...
08/26/2004 - Idiots!!!
08/15/2004 - Where is my mind?
07/25/2004 - Week of Napoleon
07/18/2004 - I'm in a glass case of emotion!!!!!!!!
07/05/2004 - Post-Independence Day Blues
06/14/2004 - Take me out!
05/31/2004 - May, she won't stay
05/06/2004 - In need of a warm gun
05/03/2004 - Another new month
04/21/2004 - Happiness is....
04/18/2004 - Quicky
04/11/2004 - April come she will
04/11/2004 - update?
03/24/2004 - Up, then downer
03/16/2004 - 101 Things about meeeeee
03/16/2004 - Nobody likes you when you're 23
03/10/2004 - Bad moon on the right
02/29/2004 - Post-blizzard Leap Day
02/25/2004 - Still not happening...
02/23/2004 - War is over, LOL
02/23/2004 - A difficult task
02/20/2004 - "Nothing bad could ever happen to you in a place like this"
02/18/2004 - Love is all you need
02/02/2004 - Nobody's fault but mine...
01/24/2004 - Sheena is a Punk Rocker!
01/11/2004 - Another one bites the dust
01/05/2004 - Ringing in the new year
12/30/2003 - A Year in the Life
12/27/2003 - Happy Xmas and stuff
12/14/2003 - a deep and dark December...
11/30/2003 - End of a nice long weekend
11/28/2003 - I eat that turkey then i take a nap...
11/23/2003 - Turkey for me, turkey for you...
11/08/2003 - Going good
11/05/2003 - House!
11/03/2003 - Trading spaces
10/26/2003 - Quentin Tarantino is the foot-fuckin' master!
10/24/2003 - Return of the exes???
10/22/2003 - 5:00 World
10/21/2003 - Yeah yeah yeah
10/19/2003 - A hard day's night...
10/08/2003 - Still waiting...
10/06/2003 - I am such a fool sometimes...
10/05/2003 - Lions and Tigers and Bears OH MY!!!
10/03/2003 - Keep your fingers crossed
09/29/2003 - Hey ya
09/25/2003 - Stupid Girl
09/22/2003 - New addition to the family
09/17/2003 - R.I.P. Foley
09/15/2003 - Joey's b-day Week
09/08/2003 - Yay! A new entry!!
06/15/2003 - I just don't know what to do with myself....
06/02/2003 - Weirdness and pissed offedness
05/22/2003 - AHHHHHHHH
05/08/2003 - Good and Bad
05/04/2003 - Yay for May, I suppose
05/01/2003 - What goes up must come down, dammit
04/29/2003 - Ack
04/27/2003 - Weekend of The Foo
04/24/2003 - Germans love David Hasselhoff
04/20/2003 - Happy Easter
04/16/2003 - Here it comes
04/14/2003 - Better days to come?
04/09/2003 - How can it be only Wednesday?!?
04/07/2003 - Happy Weekend
04/05/2003 - Better
04/03/2003 - Want to disappear
03/31/2003 - Where did March go?
03/25/2003 - Don't know what you've got til it's gone
03/24/2003 - Bad Sunday
03/20/2003 - What is it good for?
03/19/2003 - Not looking good
03/17/2003 - Post B-day
03/14/2003 - Birthday eve
03/07/2003 - Spring Break eve
03/04/2003 - Sick again
02/28/2003 - Another month gone...
02/26/2003 - Mid-week excitement
02/23/2003 - Any way the wind blows...
02/21/2003 - Too sick/tired to care
02/19/2003 - Declaration of WAR!!!!
02/19/2003 - Better
02/16/2003 - fuck fuck fuck
02/14/2003 - Day of the Dread
02/13/2003 - "...matter of fact it's all dark"
02/11/2003 - What day is it?
02/09/2003 - Poetic Justice?
02/07/2003 - Still suffering from mass confusion
02/04/2003 - Already February?!?
12/27/2002 - You never can tell
12/12/2002 - Not-so-Instant Karma
12/10/2002 - Hazy Shade of Winter
12/03/2002 - Finally a new entry!!!
11/14/2002 - No jinxing allowed
11/11/2002 - Things looking up?
11/06/2002 - The Email
11/04/2002 - Day from Hell
11/03/2002 - Karma police
11/02/2002 - Just needed to get it off my chest
10/29/2002 - "Every other day of the week is fine..."
10/27/2002 - Home is good
10/24/2002 - Rock
10/21/2002 - Cynical me
10/20/2002 - The end?
10/20/2002 - AMC = Satan
10/17/2002 - Not making sense
10/15/2002 - Only Happy When It Rains?
10/13/2002 - Wish me luck
10/07/2002 - Better October?
09/30/2002 - No time for me
09/27/2002 - Bookends
09/26/2002 - Not worth the hassle
09/23/2002 - What Sucks the Most
09/22/2002 - Great Big Weenie
09/18/2002 - break-up eve
09/15/2002 - Idiot Boyfriend
09/12/2002 - Bummer
09/11/2002 - Catch-up
09/05/2002 - "unexpectedly quit"
09/03/2002 - When it rains it pours
09/02/2002 - A Mere Nine Months
09/01/2002 - Bad August
08/29/2002 - Puppy
08/27/2002 - Oh Me
08/22/2002 - First entry


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